Exploring Romania’s sonic landscapes. This was our mission right from the start of De Pe La Noi series: discover obscure sources of inspiration for Romanian DJs who thrive into the undergrounds. From dreamlike hideaways to historical figures and graphic designers, De Pe La Noi unveils the magic of what Romania stands: a special place on the tiny blue planet we’re living on!

With a Romanian only selection from artists like Tulbure, Vlad Caia, Livio & Roby, Floog, Crihan or Dubsons, iON captured the essence of Romania’s revived underground scene, while revealing his sources of inspiration in a short interview below. Hit the play button and enjoy!

The place you’d move for your whole life: Viscri, (Brașov County)

The graphic artist you like the most – Alida Enache

The figure (scientist, king, etc) who encompasses the Romanian spirit: Constantin Brâncuși.

The Romanian artist you’ve listened over and over again: Livio & Roby

The club closest to your heart: Avicola (Târgu Mureș).

The spot that you can tag as iconic for your hometown: Târgu Mureș – The Palace of Culture

The best dinner you had in Romania: Restaurant “Sub Tâmpa” Brașov.

The Romanian word you enjoy saying it the most – No’