Danny Daze este tipologia DJului ce nu ține cont de genuri electronice și dă cu audiența de toți pereții clubului cu un vibe incredibil, care sare de la italo disco sau detroit techno la electro. Alintat de mic de soarele Floridei, Danny Daze a adoptat o strategie perfectă: punea muzică la nunți iar banii câștigați se transformau în discuri mixate la tot felul de rave-uri în circumscripția Miami.

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Recunoașterea internațională a apărut prin 2011 cu piesa Your Everything. De aici și până la apariții constante prin pupitre celebre a fost un pas, ajutat, ce-i drept, și de câteva colaborări criminale cu Maceo Plex, Daniel Avery, Tiga, Jori Hulkkonen sau Gui Boratto. Maturitatea muzicală de acum este vizibilă și în cel mai nou EP, o colaborare lansată luna aceasta (02.2015) la Omnidisc

Până la super party-ul Color programat pe 28 februarie la Club Guesthouse cu Danny Daze, KiNK și Khidja, ne-am conversat cu DD despre undeground-ul din Miami, cocktail-uri cu LSD și insule părăsite!

What do you remember about Bucharest from your last visit?
The party was really intense. I was booked to play for two hours but ended up playing almost five.

A romanian producer that got your attention in 2014
I’ve always been into the Romanian sound. I wouldn’t say one producer specifically caught my attention, but the Amphia record label really did. Love all the stuff they are releasing.

 Describe the collaborative Four EP in 4 words

Exporting chaos from within

What’s happenning in Miami’s underground nowadays?
I enjoy what’s going on in Miami. Many people seem to be creeping back into the underground. We had a great experimental and electro scene which ended about 10 years ago. I now see a lot of the people who used to come out to those parties dancing in the events being put on in Miami.

The studio gear you’d take on a deserted island
I only need three pieces really. My laptop, my Studio Electronics ATC1X and a any sound card you prefer.

Give us a cocktail recipe that matches your music
Milk with cuban coffee. A splash a kahlua, then vigorously shake it while adding drops of LSD.

Jupiter Jazz: dead & burried or just sleeping for a while?
Just sleeping. We’ve been busy so it’s been tough getting back in the studio.

Best party you had in 2014
Aaaagggghhh. I would not be able to answer this. Every party really does have its unique atmosphere so there’s no possible way to choose a favorite.


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