Before the primordial soup of our baby Universe, there was a single point of energy. As minimalistic as that. One point containing enough energy for the whole Universe, as we know it right now.

So maybe this is why Laurine Frost’s electronic compositions store this hard-to-explain-in-words energy inside their intense loops of simple percussions. Resonating at frequencies made to induce the crowd a pleasant feel of dance floor anxiety, Laurine Frost’s productions can be easily tagged as transcedental. They provide the means for initiatic journeys, maybe from a few references to ancient shamanic drums, yet almost always ending into a new perspective over music.

If you haven’s checked yet the uniquely shaped sound of Laurine Frost, go for the releases at a handful of forward thinking imprints, like Nervmusic, Marionette or Tablon. Or play the mixtape Laurine Frost recorded for the Japanese Fasten Musique collective a few months ago: a strangely estetique trip between music wormholes throwing you back and forth the corners of a wide musical universe.

Giving this context, we are extremely happy to host Laurine Frost’s track selection: five visionary albums that would change your musical perception, with a few words from the selector.

“These albums are peerless. Each of them hold its creators fingerprint and break the rules of standards. Honest and often psychedelic music that can change your approach to listening and understanding, and even in these modern days they feel alive, organic and human.”


Kilchhofer – The Book Room (Marionette – 2018)


Eli Keszler – Stadium (Shelter Press – 2019)


Holden & The Animal Spirits – The Animal Spirits (Border Community – 2017)


Lapti – В Тираж (ГОСТ ЗВУК – 2015)


Tunes of Negation – Reach The Endless Sea (Cosmo Rhytmatic – 2019)