“Talent is important, luck is always very helpful and the right strong network is the key of most success stories.” Citind interviul cu Philipp Straub de acum câteva zile ne-am dat imediat seama că Samanta se potrivește perfect descrierii de mai sus: talentul enorm de a electriza publicul în orice circumstanță, norocul de a ajunge în Ibiza prin #burnResidency și uriașa rețea de cluburi, artiști și promoteri în care a fost propulsată odată cu câștigarea #burnResidency.

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Doar timpul ne va spune dacă își va folosi cu succes șansa primită: rezidență în Ibiza și 100.000 euro. Până atunci Samanta trebuie să facă față cererilor de gig-uri prin mai toate colțurile Europei. Not bad, huh? :)

Am luat-o la descusut pe artista cu origini baltice într-un interviu exclusiv și am rugat-o să ne servească o porție sănătoasă din stilul ei techno, puțin dark dar extrem de dansabil ;)

The strongest goosebumps moment you had on your whole #burnResidency experience

The strongest goosebumps I had when I saw Carl Cox in front of me at the first time. It was one of my biggest dream to see him live and it was very emotional. At that moment I even felt tears in my eyes. And another one strong goosebumps was when I heard my name that I’m the #burnResidency 2015 winner.


First time you realized you might have a chance on winning #burnResidency

I had a first feeling that I might have a chance to be a winner of #burn Residency when I noticed that a lot of club promoters asked about me and wanted that I would play in their clubs.


What is the most important thing you learned this summer

Don’t be afraid of nothing, you have to come out of your comfort zone and do your thing.


If you would have to choose, what would it be: a residency in Ibiza or in an underground spot in your hometown?

That would be for sure a residency in Ibiza, because I already had residencies at Space and Sankeys (because of #burnResidency) and I noticed that after those gigs now I have a lot of contacts which I can use now and I can have more gigs abroad.

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3 female DJs you admire

Nicole Moudaber, Nastia, Magda.


Your secret goal for 2016

To have my own radio show.


1 track that perfectly describes 2015 for you

Truncate – Focus: I will always remember that this track I played in front of Carl Cox. It was one of the tasks (to play 15min mix). After this task he said that my mix was one of his favourites. And this tracks also means a lot to me, I played a lot this track in my country and also the name of track has deep meaning – FOCUS. So, I must say that this year for me was extremely focusing on to being better dj, producer and of course – future.