Andrei, the artist behind The Legendary 1979 Orchestra and the Legendary Sound Research opened his musical soul with a 1 hour trip into his cosmic disco sound (for our Introspections series) and revealed his passion for jazz, funk, hip hop, all pressed on the precious vinyl.


Your favourite jazz piece

There are so many! Top of my head right now would be: Johnny Hammond – Tell What To Do

The most valuable non electronic record from your collection

I think that would be Harold Vick – Don’t Look Back on Strata-East, a really funky jazz LP

Your most played hip hop artist

Definitely MF DOOM.

Your inspiration producer when it comes to house music

Mmm I have many here, but let’s say Mad Mike today.

Best record store for crate digging

The most consistent store I go to regularly is Redlight Records in Amsterdam. Always new (old) stock, great music and good pricing! The most fun is at the Utrecht Record fair though, twice a year all the big sellers from around Europe come to one place.