If there’s anyone who could extract the groove from the sunnier side of house music, then we must turn our ears to Kirik’s work. Inspired by Romania’s minimal house culture all the way to Berlin, Kirik’s productions trigger those blue colored feelings you usually get when the closing track kicks in and you start thinking of ways to freeze time at that exact moment.

Along his own Memory Remains imprint, Kirik runs a few other record labels, to match his appetite for exploring various shades and shapes of electronic music. Which brings us down to our feature: discover Kirik’s Vinyl Alter Ego with a list of records that are super close to his soul 👇

Be sure to check Kirik’s remix for Upon Us, released in February at Zon Records

A second hand dig I’m most proud of

I bought this one for 2 euros and I love it: this classic house piano mood brings me to the sea shore :)

The record I’d love to see it repressed

MR002, from my label Memory Remains, the first release was 5-6 years ago and people still want to buy these records, so I want to repress it again.

The label I’d buy all their releases without even listening to them

At the moment it’s Mood Waves

The record artwork that blows my mind every time I look at it

It’s a cover made by a super talented painter from Kherson UA: Konstantin Tereshchenko, who provided his artistic work “Tears of Lust” for the cover of this release! This combination with music looks super magic!

The record that triggers childhood memories

Somewhere between 1992-1993, I started listening to electronic music, and then in 1994 I got this cassette: Snap! Welcome To Tomorrow. It struck me! I still listen to i, as it brings nice childhood memories.

The record shop I would spend my whole savings in

Mmm, first one that crosses my mind is Rush Hour in Amsterdam. I spent a whole day there, and when I will be back to Amsterdam, for sure I’ll visit it again.

The record that never leaves my DJ bag

Of course it’s my wax hahah, this vinyl will work at any party, I repressed it 5 times and people still want it :

Last record I checked its price on discogs

Yes this is my edit, love so much this record and I love finishing my set with this track :

Last record I bought for my home listening pleasure


Every vinyl by Nu Genea is honey for me! Magic sounds, full of love.

The record closest to my heart from my entire collection

Oh, hard question, super hard to choose one, but I think this record is something special!